Love Poem: She's a Dream
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Written by: David Crandall

She's a Dream

A flood of unfamiliar faces,
Shoes with Velcro, not with laces,
Missing memories, times and places,
Hosting in the hospital here,
Staring at strangers? someone dear?
Is it not what it may seem?
Is it real, or do I dally with a dream?
Through haze, ghostly evocations glow.
Fair face, fresh flowers, dancing slow -
Just my imagination?  I don't know.
I must've fallen in a trance -
Can't be me - I don't dance.
This beauty in my conscious stream,
Is she (was she?) real, or just a dream?

Whispering, walking in the wood,
Wishing, wondering, if she would -
Understanding, Understood.
Did, together, we once stand?
Did I ever hold her hand?
A wonderful wife, a titan team -
Is she real or do I dally with a dream?