Love Poem: Shedding of Performance Charts

Shedding of Performance Charts

Ever since the times of enlightenment obfuscating harmonious balance
Romantic love has taken a back seat in the absurd theatre of minds

My light my mind my empathy bonds and my unconditional passion
have been shrouded in darkness have tainted romance and creation

Empiricism from the age of so called reason certainly towers over
inclinations and feelings burrows deeply and undermines emotions

Ever since Freud investigated libido and death wish attempted to
establish a science from Id’s superb battle with Ego and Oedipus
separated phallus and anal retention from sucking up oral tradition
we have been seduced by scientific dogma and lust for the vice of logic

Like Mephistopheles debating a Faustian pact with layers of devil
we pay tribute to Descartes who doubted his incredulous doubts

The clever guys investigate Philia measure orgasms and pleasure
take delight in quantifying empathy bonds hail to measurability

In perverse contradictions to faith and belief even Agape has been turned
and tossed over on spread sheets excelling in proof beyond reasonable qualms

Call me ancient and backward and taint me with the label of idealism 
pour tar over my feathers hang me quarter me and try to remove my heart

Yet here it stands tall in celebration and without schism of ambivalence
transcends into every aspect of life and peace loving kindness’ compassion

Let me call it romance and pure love apart from sex and carnal desires and
let it be known that those amorous French guys in vernacular fashion
defined it as 'verse narrative' alluded to stories from creative excitement

I love you my lover and friendships adore my children like to be playful
seek kind connections and empathy do not discount altruism as a ruse

But I have this relationship with books emerge from ex libri in fancy and art
They are friends dear to my soul they talk to me evoke the whole palette
of stretching my life on a canvass of marvellous beauty and fascination
and when I engage with words and with pages they start to listen to my love

Charted performance has little place in my essence whereas reading enchants me envelops and embraces my spirits makes me whole and can’t tear me apart