Love Poem: Shall We?
Veronica Merka Avatar
Written by: Veronica Merka

Shall We?

Your lips,
soft as velvet petals,
encounter mine in a 
midnight rendezvous.
The moon,
outside the window,
is our chaperone tonight.
Shall we?

With a slight ripple of mischief
in the tranquil waters of my eyes,
I slowly close the plum-colored drapes.
It is just you and I now....
wearing nothing but smiles.
We embrace and entangle
as though we are two strands of hair
trapped in an inescapable knot.

Your tongue
speaks novels as my skin listens.
Your fingers
paint the pale landscape of my body.
We both share in this bliss
until we explode
into a midnight

The storm soon dissipates,
and our bodies and souls
collapse from exhaustion.

we are ready for another rain dance.
Shall we?