Love Poem: Sentinel of Love

Sentinel of Love

Some lover's jealousies are such a tight squeezing embrace
that the loved one can't help feeling
coiled and embroiled
like in the grip of a loving beast or literally a bear's hug
And which makes her sigh,
why God ever chose to model her into a beauty
For the near perfection of her face and figure
highlights to him his imperfections
such that her illustrious famed facial grace
transforms him into a suspicious tamed beast! 
A possessive kind of guy miner tis he
who jealously guards
this beauty secret
like upon having struck gold
and wishes to lock her up from the world
like a real-life Rapunzel's witch. 

Yet as no black clouds can hide the radiant sun
her world soon comes to know
of her innocent screened charms and beauty
despite his protests and measures. 

Yet in a world of unscruplous looters
this louvred love cage turns out to be that blessing in disguise
She can no longer be preyed upon by any predator guys. 

Thus both lucky and unfortunate is the comely woman
But let her bloom and breathe
in love's cell or engulfing dungeon
for a free bird she was never meant to be for long.
And let her wedded man be her love's protective warden
so no body but he is lured by her look and lovesong! 
She can't just forever fly and sing foot-loose and fancy-free.
A plethora of cocks out there might try to charm her
with their new feathers
serenading her with new love songs in the wind.
All she must do is
snap out from
and slip away from
their flirty fantasy.
For she can either opt out and walk out
or stay in and stay on, but not both,
for the sake of her beloved
and wise values of scruples and principles.