Love Poem: Seeing the Hand of God

Seeing the Hand of God

One saturday night around June 2012, 
 my spirit was so troubled, 
I  felt so sad. 
I could hear some voices telling me to go to the hospital. 
 walked night to the near hospital to pray for people, 
arriving there and prayed in  different wards of the hospital. 
I found some pregnant women 
who  responded the doctors'  appointments  of operation,
 they exceeded 9 months 
and they could not deliver by themselves. 
I prayed for them one by one.  
After praying , some of them  started  having much labor pains . 
It was an amazing moment, 
My heart was so excited, 
I was jumping with joy, 
 joyful on my way home in that night. 
 knowing  some of them would deliver babies 
 before meeting the doctors  on monday.

I memorized their images, 
names and  continue to pray, 
Praying for them the whole night. 
Coming Sunday,
 I fasted and continue to pray for them.
 Sunday night ,  
I dreamt playing  with more babies, 
I felt happy, 
Seeing the blessing  from God. 
I realized that God answered my prayers. 
Coming monday , I went to the hospital, 
the majority of  them delivered baby boys 
without oparation and they were  waiting to be  discharged.
 I prayed  for all the  babies 
" girls and boys" 
and gave them names by the instruction of the Spirit of Christ.
I saw the right hand of God there,
 I was so inspired  
 Very encouraged  on that day. 
It was a  special day,   
it meant a lot  to me  as I was starting hospital , 
prison and school ministry. 

I continued to pray for sick people in different hospitals  of Kwazulu Natal. 
Some  doctors and nurses understood that I was volunteering in hospital ministry for the love of people. 
I was counselling people with different problems in the hospitals 
and the results were always positive. 

Some teen girls and boys, 
mature men and women wanted to kill themselves. 
Some  due to break up, 
Others Cheating, 
And abuses. 

Few memories are pleasent , 
few memories hurt us,
 It is the reality of life. 
Few years later,

 I started to meet people who could testify 
miracles of God through that hospital ministry. 

I could meet with some  men and women 
who could remind me 
about my poems and songs
which I sung and  recited to comfort them 
when they were troubled in the hospitals. 

           Everyone has  good and bad stories
                       to tell at a specific  time.
           I share little about some special days 
                       which meant a lot to me.  

Written February 26 / 2023