Love Poem: Saved From the Fire
Michelle Morris Avatar
Written by: Michelle Morris

Saved From the Fire

Inspired by a storyline from a show. But absolutely applicable to all parents. Let's remember that we love people more than we love things. 

Saved from the fire
By Michelle Morris

You surround yourself
With opulence and ego
Beautiful paintings by the masters
Making you feel that you have no equal

You forget that class
Is not defined by the things you own
It's reflected in your character
The way you treat everyone you know

When you focus on your possessions
Love things more than people 
Your loved ones will feel hurt
Hearts bruised and minds reeling

It's a difficult situation
No one should have to compete
Against inanimate objects
That make your life complete 

But when you care way more
About saving a painting from the fire
You risk alienating affection
Putting relationships on a pyre

Things saved from the fire 
Cannot replace love and affection
And relationships destroyed by desires
Cannot be fixed by your obfuscation

Take time to evaluate
How you're treating those you claim to care for 
And remember that love is in our actions
Not just pretty words we say for point scoring

Surround yourself with love and joy
For real people who share your world
Don't focus on wealth and prestige
For their power won't save your soul's turmoil

© Michelle Morris, 2023