Love Poem: SAMADHI
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Written by: Ghairo Daniels



I am the Void
                   and THE ALL
I am the pen
                   and paper
                        the insertion and hole
the breath, the nostril 
                                  War, Peace
Surrender and action
               Angelic wings descending 
Transfiguration and Embodiment 
                          Lover and Beloved
nipple, nourishment, lips

I bolt, then follow, appear, disappear
                               Essence and form

Only in my Silent Point of no Return
                                            and no Time

    can Shiva and Shakti drown in

Forest floor was prickly hard with dried
               leaves and elves
the path to Cave I had to walk
      Doe awaited inside the Darkness 
              a pool blacker than black
                    the deep unknown of knowingness 
                           her eyes my own Void
trying to remember Yeats or Wordsworth 
or Camus or even Ghandi
      it was all in vain

I beckoned your I AM
           to follow suit to Samadhi
 your guitar strings, seas, voice 
       or smiling eyes you feared to leave

           What was His Silent Point beyond the entrance
the endless depth of no Return ?
where was music or feasting or cool waves 
             where was a mustard lettuce sandwich
                           or escape  ?

I beckoned the bolt, the appearance or disappearance
Doe watched as our Observer both

Transfiguration had you mesmerised 
             at a mossy fringe
a toe became a stepless step
            sinking, sinking
    bodies becoming dark water 
 nothing escapes the Gateless Gate
            An event horizon was a fallacy
the Void and THE ALL
                                 tightened all spirals
to silent scream in a Cave pool blacker than black
A pool melting into Doe’s eyes
              a velvet not known to Mind

Samadhi was His alone in surrendered peace
              Our spirals His ecstatic tools

                a mustard lettuce sandwich waited at 
                    another oak table

{POEM READ BY POET ON YOUTUBE @ghairodanielspresence. Check it out ! }