Love Poem: Sadness


Sadness swirls all over my soul
Trapping me in its net
Trapping me and causing me to sweat
Sadness blooms all over me
Causing me to wilt, to be drained of my energy
Causing me to sit and remember of it
Of how, once, I thought I would never know it
Of how, once, I thought it could never touch me!

But life plays the way it deems right
Caring not about our wants
About our tantrums
About our yearnings
Life just goes on its way
And gives us, quite coldly
That as much as we do deserve!
Even if, in the process, we are to remain
Overwhelmed by the sinews of sadness!

Yet, of sadness have I made mine own strength
Sadness now gets released in my words
Sadness, a tool which can strike me to joy
When I make of it, my poetic toy
Sadness, beckoning me to sail the world over
All for the sake of satisfying it
Satisfying it and succumbing to it
For only by accepting it
Shall I open my soul to the real side of existence!