Love Poem: Row Your Boat

Row Your Boat

Row, row, Row YOUR Boat
Gently down the stream;
Row with the flow of life t'wards YOUR 
Each and ev'ry dream.
Row YOUR Boat always,
Always with the flow,
For against the current
Is not the way to go.

Row, row, Row YOUR Boat,
Row YOUR Boat along
And if you row with Love, you'll be 
Never in the wrong.
Should you encounter rapids
Or should you run aground,
They're temporary setbacks,
But don't you turn around!

Just row, Row YOUR Boat
Onward t'wards YOUR dream,
Rowing along with Love, as the
Power of YOUR steam.
For when you row with Love,
You'll ne'er be out of power
Nor besieged with bitterness
Nor will YOUR dreams go sour.

Row, row, Row YOUR Boat,
Make ripples as you go,
Ripples of caring, kindness, with
Gratitude to show.
Should waves so big rush in
To overturn YOUR boat,
The elements of Love
Will keep you still afloat.

Row, row, Row YOUR Boat.
Let others row their own,
But be a tug sometimes when a
Need for help is shown.
We all must row our boats;
We all must keep in mind;
We all encounter troubles
That'll get us in a bind.

Row, row, Row YOUR Boat.
Don't just float adrift
Nor miss precious moments from you
Being way too swift.
For when we drift along,
Precious time we waste,
But when we speed too fast,
We'll likewise do with haste.

Row, row, Row YOUR Boat
In friendly waters do.
Leave behind all fake friends to
Row with only true.
Row YOUR Boat steadily,
Be careful how you steer.
Choose God as YOUR Guide
And faith instead of fear.

Row, row, Row YOUR Boat,
To thyself be true.
Seek YOUR best with humbleness and
Good will follow you.
Row, row, Row YOUR Boat
Gently down the stream.
Row with God and Love, He'll lead you
To YOUR ev'ry dream.

Poem/art by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
Poem: ©2016-03-05 21:07:00 (EST)
Art: ©2016-05-13 12:47:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.