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Written by: Jim Yerman


I love love!
I love how its boundaries are limitless.
I love how it always has more lessons to teach.
I love that no matter how much we love…
inside our hearts…there is always more love within reach.

I like to imagine there is this river of love flowing through us
carrying love on the grandest scale.
ready to ferry us wherever our love takes us…
waiting for us to set sail.

This river has endless tributaries…
infinite branches that never end’
carrying us to everyone and everything on Earth
beginning with our family and friends.

But its rivulets also extend to food and drink…
to books and movies
to music and dance and art…
It’s amazing when you think about it…
how much love is in our heart.

Since this river is never ending…
up ahead we’ll find new channels and creeks and streams.
We’ll meet new people and places and things to love
fueled by our hopes and our wishes and dreams.

Our boat is moored down by the river…
On it…everything we need to survive is stored….
riding our river of love is easy…
all you have to do…is climb aboard.