Love Poem: Rhetoric's Memetics Science Peotry
John Beam Avatar
Written by: John Beam

Rhetoric's Memetics Science Peotry

There was a man a man in the box 											        do not mime the selfish meme touching things  									 he can not see in his own cage he is locked  									          in angst himself he argues the mummings 										 in this hypotheses do no be the bloke   										without truly knowing become his own silent joke                                                                                         		Be a rhymer with God the proper timer 										      from the heart freely give to that which outlives   									 Be not a quack hawker of salve a rock climber  									 an amoeba climbing up from sea them I forgive  									Created in God's image if you seek proof 										with respects not like Ike not like Mike  										       ask Him yourself to know the truth                                                                                                                   		there is know one else I rather be like Christ