Love Poem: Reserata Carcerem Xvi
Adeyemi Joshua Avatar
Written by: Adeyemi Joshua

Reserata Carcerem Xvi

lanky love's a sassy spell;
airy alakazam, wit's nest
callous cauldron oozing nectar
wanky witchery, salient bicker

its features foil hankering hoists
masticated moaning churn coils
dark dirge clothed'n rustic rhythm
crisp crescendos, masked melody

its reeling riffs are worn to trail;
etched'n concerto grosso - pored pain
throbbing thumping - its hampered hymn
bounty blitzkrieg, lame, bruised lyrics

love has no worth until it's a trade:
partners banking assets they've made.

Note: of lured love.