Love Poem: Reflexive Daydream

Reflexive Daydream

We slowly sailed across the placid, blue surface. The profound silence was erupting from
all around. Across the lake, I saw a pair of birds flutter from treetops into the deep
blue lake above us. The Sun was a cherry yellow and everything I laid eyes on was alive in
its reflective radiance. Our boat made the tiniest whisper as it moved over the water. My
nostrils were filled with the intoxicating smell from my lover as we drifted ceaselessly
onward over the calm water. 

But suddenly, clouds exploded above. The Sun disappeared behind the darkness of the storm
cloud. An acrid wind began to blow harshly:  the trees began to bow. Our hair was whipped
about us. The chaos replaced serenity lightning created blinding cracks amongst the black
sky. The once smooth surface of the lake became turbulent with waves that threw our
helpless boat about. I closed my eyes and gave in.

The storm stopped. I opened my clenched eyelids. There before me sat an empty half of my
boat. Not one memento of my love remained. As I drifted onward, soaked and somber, slowly
the boat cried out the only evidence of what took place. The sky seemed paler and the sun
no longer cheery, Now unforgiving and hot. My eyes stung and the trees were pastel. The
water below me was hated and unforgiven. Slowly, beside the boat, my love's beautiful body
began to cry and my apologies fell upon her un-hearing ears. I had learned my lesson. I
begged for a second chance.