Love Poem: Redeeming Genesis
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Redeeming Genesis

We have an enemy within called the ego
who prevents us from using our mind intelligently.
It hides deep within our heart
and emerges with regularity
to challenge and consume our will.
                  Rumi (M Mafi, trans)

We have left-brained dominance within
calling "justice" anthropocentric narcissism
elitism of human monotheistic nature
removed from all of nature's eco-normative systems,
preventing each and all of us from using our comprehensive co-intelligence.

Ego-centrism hides deep within our bicamerally-hearted brains 
and bilateral neurosystems
emerging positive peaks 
and negative valleys
with re-incarnational regularity,
revolutionary predictability,
to comfort and disturb 
our ecocentric evolving willingness 
to become compassion's synergy.

Spiritual wisdom incarnates human reflective nature,
as religion redeems human comprehension of natural systems,
as universally regenerative information.

Souls manifest bodies
as bodies incarnate souls 
of past DNA evolving co-arising comprehension
of ecoconsciousness.

resonantly sustained harmonic strings 
of linguistically enculturing resonant energy,
explicates eco-binomial prime relationship [P=N(NP) SysteMetric Hypothesis]
as economics incarnates (0)-Soul Principle
of Integrative Primal Ecologic.

Cognitive and affective dissonance are what happens
when co-arising,
co-verification [Right-Left hemispheric],
co-valent linear-spatial balanced apposition,
does not happen.

Prime dynamic Taoist,
and Fullerian,
and Permaculture Design
comprehension of natural systemic evolution
balances self-governing tipping points,
TrimTab spaces and places,
faces and forms,
nomials and functions,
procedures and flow patterns,
identities and economies,
internal communication
with external Beloved Communities;
coincidental integrity,
of each event's timeless potential 
for diastatic natural balance,
ecotherapeutic and multisystemic comprehension,
a wisdom integrity of yang-convex over yin-concave
(0) Soul Theorem
4-Prime Spacetime Equi-Valent Dimensions,
emerges already at hand.

To realize this simpler Self and Other lifestyle
we embrace comprehensive synergy,
We fulfill eco-normic wisdom 
by discounting Left-brain dominance of cultural knowledge,
so we may globally profit a hundredfold;
We banish "human natural" history
that has set aside eco-justice primal norms,
so we may reconnect love of EcoElder kin;
We balance ego's cunning by decelerating Yang's unsustainable efficiency
without giving equal weight to Yin's eternally harmonious effectiveness,
fruitful flexibility of flowing function,
nutritionally implicating octave harmonies intuiting empathic awareness,
so thieves transubstantiate gifts and brigands become guests.

As ecojustice,
sometimes comically,
touch each internal communication
within all external Beloved Climaxing Co-Intelligent IdEntities,
as these three become metasystemically comprehended
as an ecocentric human nature Scientific Optimization CQI Revolution,
we become what we depend on:

Redeeming our simple ecoself,
Embracing our original eco-evolving nature,
Generating our globally inclusive ecotherapy,
Eliminating desires for, and aversions from,
New SuperEconomic self-optimization,
Evicting monochromatic monocultural monopolies,
Sustaining LIVE open systems while
Implicating reverse EVIL closed system Fullerian double-knot analysis;
SuperEcoTherapeutic (O)mega-String Theory of Healthy Evolution.

In our beginning
was YangBang
with YinSpin,
as in our Omega (0) Soul EcoLogos,
balancing slow-growth Tao Tipping Points.