Love Poem: Reclaim Your Lost Hope
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Written by: Andrew Crisci

Reclaim Your Lost Hope

Looking at the present state of things,
nothing is ever going to change,
and with a stubborness so definitive.
some people would rather suffer than challenge...

Reclaim your lost hope, that one which held you back,
making your accursed life as fiery as tempest; 
what tears did was drownimg you in their sorrow,
all your days were spent alone, not daring to trust in love...

Lives are cut off as timber is severed by eletric saws,
when it falls to the ground, only a thud is heard;
then they will loaded on trucks and the forest will moan their loss,
so is our saddened heart when it's emptied of all good things we loved...

Reclaim your lost hope, what once was rightfully yours,
see the big pitcure with new eyes and a more perceptive mind,
for too long you have been confined to loneliness;
now, open up your windows to the shining sun and proclaim your freedom...

Trashed acquintances may be regretted, but others you will find,
and fearlessly confront your obstacles and make them null;
reembrace the fervent faith that made you the strongest soul,
and as you go on living, remember not what made your teeth grind...     

Copyright 2009 by Andrew Crisci