Love Poem: Purple Chakra

Purple Chakra

Purple Chakra 

She wears in dreams and enchantment our mad hatter’s hat 
cloaked in violet desire and so called co-incidence of purple
Just a few blossoms Jacaranda from the doom of rock bottom
I spelt the word ‘love’ with the petals in between roses and colour 
the wannabe hippie of times long gone by on a path yet unknown

A rehab from drink and from madness confinement in mind
body soul removed from temptation inpatient impatient solitude

‘So strange this beautiful woman here before your arrival she
formed a small purple heart on the manicured lawn. You would 
like her she’s Tanya Michelle bright and emotional calls herself Tai.’

A visitor truly unknown pitched a few days after un-thought of no 
sense no connection no intention no blossoms of meaning or reason
a fairy tale story frog princess prince sensation out of the purple

‘You must be Tai I am Kai I suppose we have something in common’
a beeline from nowhere how I knew I not know may the Universe tell
synchronicity spelt out from the winds gravitation pulled in together

Now we dance to the moon and swim with the tides scent the fragrance
sing to the tune of fortuitous fortune paint purple mad sanity in words 
rainbows melting pastels poetry in motion poet trees’ hot temperance 

Just one word had been spelt one heart in the garden of freedom
two seeds released rising high in the air in miraculous sparkling 
waters dust from the ashes volcano erupted meaningful madness

We travel together ever since wear hats purple hair flowers dreams and
infusion have been flying ‘Taikaiwe’ on infinite eternity from that
momentous moment enshrined in the blossoms

Written on the 21st June 2016-06-20
From Kai Michael to Tai Michelle
For contest: Something Seemingly Insignificant
And Unexpected Changed My Life