Love Poem: Presumptuous


Is it presumptuous to assume
A melodious togetherness with you
Without an unfavorable tune
Or could we drown our indiscretions
In the depths of love’s infinite sea
And swam ashore in unison
Without feelings of malice and jealousy
Could we hold hands as true lovers and
walk the stretching shores of tranquility
or sink slowly in the agonizing sands
of deceit and our past infidelities

Is it presumptuous of me to -- think
Understanding and forgiveness resides in your heart
My blatant disrespect for fidelity was contemptuous
No less or more than yours, but I condemn my part
For you, eternally my heart weeps
Could you see past my mistake with a blind eye
Or continue stabbing me repeatedly
With sinful lust and yearnings for your lovers side

Is it presumptuous for me to say
Your adoration and passion is eternal
And your love for me is everlasting
Or is it just merely for today
Could you kiss me with fierce uncontrollable passion
The way you anointed your lover’s lips
Or in your eyes, am I not seen in the same fashion
Does he control the water, you the glass and I
Am merely allowed subtle infrequent sips

Is it presumptuous to feel right
About stealing an innocent gentle kiss
While you sleep a peaceful sleep - day or night
The kiss no longer belongs to me but its mines to miss

Is it presumptuous of me
When I trace the subtle curves of your caramel body
While the moon saturates your alluring frame
Your body opens and shifts with acceptance of my plight
And you passionately bless my offerings but you still call his name