Love Poem: Post Post Modernism

Post Post Modernism

Post post Modernism

Who wants modernity in any case whether
                                                              lower case or upper case yet I suppose
or not suppose not even propose when
                                                             I suggest that everything is fragmented
somewhat pseudo and nevertheless ancient 
                                                          in its beauty and all we have to do is pick
up the pieces and they even become enlightened
                                                                 shine brightly in mosaic and tapestry

Its kind of retro while some claim intimate and ‘ex-timate’
                                                         timeless as our times fly past and forward
swelling emotion past that iron cage of rationalization
                                                    which melts away under that sunshine of love 
propelled by the moon once we embrace those shadows
                                           powered by what is according to our lens and prism

Plato had a whole in one when he allegorized the caves
                                                pugnacious Socrates when he questioned the lot
Aristotle when even moderation was to be moderate
                          Jesus despite or because his father’s imagery and plenty of fish
The lean Buddha in Nirvana under that figured out fig tree
                           they knew sort of that they knew nothing much but they knew

Sure to be detached from all certainty gives Lacan freedom and
                                    we too have not to live in Foucault’s adapted panopticon
structure can be constructed and torn apart and
                                            what is meaning anyway once it is decreed to exist

We feel and therefore we exist no Cartesian doubts here
                                 and the poor Marx brothers paired humour with alienation
Freud still plays with phallus ‘electrafied’ head on at the couch

Lennon and Ghandi still gave peace a chance and Luther was King
                                   Cohen found a crack in everything where the light got in
while Floyd’s wall calls for questioning and the paradox of learning

So my answer to the question of posting modernity is…
                                   what was the question if it ever existed… infinite eternal 
ephemeral and transcendent and if my memory may recall
                                oh well however translucent when shedding the light from 
the darkness and question…my response is three pronged and
                                                     ambitious in love compassion and kindness 
and I don’t give a toss if its pre post or present cause
                                      what goes round comes round too and out of the box
pretty fair and square with petals centred and centrifugal blossoms
                                          straight from the heart

06th October 2016