Love Poem: Poetic Love
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Written by: Eve Roper

Poetic Love

Consumed under infinite sunless night; 
Its uncountable fixed flickering stars,
With tendrils tender love and a lullaby, 
Mid quiet indulgent heaven, it dost sings. 

Swell of explosive unsated love seeks
Warm wisp embrace, of thy intimate whole. 
The merit fragrant scent of thy utter love 
Awakes a wanderer of mine emboldened heart. 

Thy presence summons by mine fervor love.
Waves melt upon lips of ours sweet ayre, whilst 
Painting gentle and slow on the palette 
Of own fitful quenching passionate heartbeat.

Thee complete me in dreams of harmony, 
As we dance in choral gracefulness whilst we 
Grow in shimmering reflections enshrouded
In the darkness of flickering of moonlight.

Dreams poetically fulfilled.
