Love Poem: Plastic Paradise
Anthony Beesley Avatar
Written by: Anthony Beesley

Plastic Paradise

this looks like heaven but feels like hell...a purgatory prison in a frozen cell
smiles are wide and teeth white as full moons
if this is a blessing it looks more like a curse
straight lines and nazis  pushing buttons and pulling erections
dark detective of a false facade
a mad masquerade full of wannabe slobs...twist the knob cause i wanna go home
an iron door opens and three doors close...
white walls, florescent lights illuminating neverending halls...looking for a phone to make a 
long distance call
answering machine beeps...i hear jokers and jackals...they're all laughing at me
i start to run but i fall on my face...leather and lace in nine inch heels
standing over me with a whip in her hand and a mask on her face
lift the skirt to put in the work...cause sex is not just a's a sport
damn that hurts! 
acid squirts from every i'm running like a rocket
mangled now by a million mannequins...hard artificial limbs they strangle me
i join their ranks like a prisoner of pain...o God send your acid rain
i see strangers walk past the window...keep walking don't stop or go slow
there's always room for one more in this cosmetic creepshow
i see friends and i see foes...they laugh they point...drinking liquor and smoking joints
suspended animation still my soul gets stabbed like an exclamation point...
i see a girl i used to love back when love was real...before my fate got sealed
tears start to flow from this counterfeit clown
this plastic paradise is just a soul graveyard