Love Poem: Pirouetting On Cloud Banks
Susan Lawrence Avatar
Written by: Susan Lawrence

Pirouetting On Cloud Banks

Dancing in space
Waltzing in the universe
Pirouetting on cloud banks
Aah yes
Come with me
Let’s dance together

Ancient flute notes echo
Amidst starshine and lost memories
I feel you there beside me
Peeking around planets
Your eyes seeking me out

Our fibers entwined 
Through passion and loss
Our unspoken words
Spun like gold thread
Around our bleeding hearts

An inhale ~ a memory
Meeting you in the ocean
Immersing ourselves in blankets of mist and fog
Lavender foam adorned with turquoise sparkles
Glinting off wave tips

My nakedness enveloped
Salty tears
My mouth open
Searching for you

I walk through time 
Through walls of water
The waves part 
As I find my way

To the sacred place within
I feel the air ~ quiet now
My fingertips sense my surroundings
I smell your heartbeat

In darkness my palms touch yours
A vibration of heat
Of laughter
Of knowing
Of ancient memories
Coupling our souls