Love Poem: Permanent Sanctuary School
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Permanent Sanctuary School

I came to AllSouls
looking for permanent sanctuary.

not only from a Rumpian absence of 
and non-violent trust
and integrity
and compassion,
but also pro-actively for an orthodox health eco-school 
for learning to secure these passioned gifts
through cooperative
co-arising practice.

A permanently green sanctuary for integrity
is asking too improbably much
from some,
like myself,
so wounded by cultural mendacity
of growing up intrinsically disturbed
by absence of heterosexual norms,
or masculine dominating values,
or competitive-aggressive dreams
to too whitely overpower
narcissistic rule,
occasionally to violate black and brown extinctions matter
perhaps most of all sacred opportunity
right with left
east with west
transpersonal here as now.

YinSoul degeneration in an early homophobic home
in an evangelical white nationalist church
in a rural white patriarchal school,
in a competitive capital over-priced
and cooperative communion under-valued economy
prepared to support even fairly rabid infestations
of white nationalist patriarchalism
competing for Friends With Rich Benefits Office,

Offices perpetually short-term re-investing
in re-election
into more supreme short-term process degeneration
against conserving peaceful health,
instead perpetually at war,
non-sanctuary automating convenient violence machinations
transporting us far away from original democratic ZeroZone nation,
ruled by a non-sectarian God of Compassion

To invest in universal human courage to Trust
unitarian green sanctuary Integrity.

In this AllSouls Cooperative Sanctuary I feel protected
from competing commercials
of anti-communion Holidays,
like Christmas Capitalist Day
without SilentSolstice Advent Nights.

I see communal investment in health sciences
for compassion wealthy outcomes
mental and physical,
like yin and yang
spiritual and natural,
internal and environmental,
sacred and secular,
inducing co-passionate deductions,
feeling thoughts,
universal wealth and unitarian health educators
mentoring co-passioning balance,
EgoYang dominant
only if also EcoYin prominent.

Nutritional ArtFlow of dipolar co-arising integrity,
peaking and valleying waves

Vulnerable to courageous health 
and cowardly resistance
sometimes transportively yielding into ecstatic,
co-acclimating wealth.

Flowing integrity,
too enchanted for permanency,

Wounded synergy regaining effluent health
through nutritional investment change
into nurturing solidarity,
organic communion
fluid yin-flow nutrition-nurturing sanctuary.

More of a unitarian art--
Less of a universal, permanently orthodox,
health deductive-only science.

HomeZone, for AllSouls,
in-between what we choose to sing and dance together,
integrity of non-violent health sciences
also reflectively speaking and walking experimentally together

Everyday remaining
on and in this green sanctuary,
perhaps not universally permanent
but not chaotically temporary,
opaquely ambiguous, either.

Universal YangHealth Science
co-arising Unitarian YinNutritional ArtFlow.

Together, potentially integral
timeless invitations to trust wounded diversity
of fragile polypaths
toward rainbow's end of nutrition's deductive inductions
into everyday curious green and non-violent courage
artistic science developing sanctuary,
not well written
yet deeply experiencing exegetical

transubstantiating communion,
eco-political integrity
non-violently cooperative,
universally deductive Now
unitarian inducing Here
as sanctuary Love
absorbs timeless wounded Fear.