Love Poem: People and Choices
Line Gauthier Avatar
Written by: Line Gauthier

People and Choices

People are different
But everyone wants to be happy
     Many have been known to say
        “I found someone now life will be good”
           And proceed to sit and wait
              Then wonder why happiness eludes them
While others are gutsy
And of those, a few who’ll say
“I finally found someone special
Now the journey begins…”
     And this is the vision I want to share
        With those who believe we have choices
           As to how we live, love and appreciate
Be open-minded to the sacredness around us
In nature, in the gift of health and in love 
     But most of all
        The sacredness is in the heart of my lover
           And in the gift of every new day together
Life is made up of ongoing choices 
We choose our happiness
And though we can’t always
Choose the circumstances
We can always choose our attitude
     And work each day at
        Elevating dignity and love
           To its purest essence                           

AP: 3rd place 2022

Submitted on June 2, 2018 for PEOPLE CONTEST sponsored by RICHARD LAMOUREUX  -  RANKED 4TH

Originally posted in 2017