Love Poem: Penny Lee Poodle
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Written by: Patricia Leonaitis

Penny Lee Poodle

Penny is a ten year old poodle,
Elaine's darling, and she has a good noodle-
She's sharp as a tack and very protective, too
For when Elaine is asleep, Penny is right on cue.

Penny Lee bites the hand that feeds her,
She's getting older, but she can still grrrr-
If you hear that sound, don't try to pet her,
For she will bite you even if she purrs.

Penny is playful as all dogs stay-
They seem to know that the exercise of play
Is good for them so they just keep on running
Out in the fresh air, then they lie down and do some sunning.

Penny loves to lie out in the sun,
It warms her body and makes her think of fun,
Our Penny's health is all important now-
We can't see her go away without a happy bow-wow.

Penny Lee passed away in August of 2006. She was almost eleven years old.