Love Poem: Peace Is Our Governance
Kim Rodrigues Avatar
Written by: Kim Rodrigues

Peace Is Our Governance

Love sets our hearts on fire,
not the city.
We abide by the eternal victory
set forth by life’s Word.
We are about the Lord’s business,
not the entanglement of choice,
not the frothing of the masses.
We kiss the feet of Jesus.
We don’t soak our own feet
while we spit hatred to the wind.
We hit our knees, black and blue bruised,
the devil crushed beneath.
Our prayers are real,
not tortuous to our mirrors.
We don’t think ourselves God!
We don’t lean into our every word.
We don’t deliver arrows to the great or weak.
Instead,  we beseech the creator of our land.
We are wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove.
Peace is our governance.
We seek it.
We read it.
We live it.
And when we fail, and we do,
we repent and start anew.
Lies are not our gospel,
that is good news.
Pride comes before a fall.
Before you turn your finger outward
you’d best look within your own universe,
thoroughly, completely, no drawing back,
no hiding places. He who is without sin
throw the first stone. Boomerang!
