Love Poem: Passion
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Written by: Ronald Karzmarczyk


The only games, i want to play,
                                                 is make love to you, all the day;
                                                 hold you and kiss you from morning light,
                                                 and then again all through the night;
                                                 to love you with, all of my heart,
                                                 and know that we will never be apart;
                                                 to kiss your lips and stroke your hair,
                                                 to not love you, i wouldn't dare;
                                                 to be in your life, always together,
                                                 we will survive any type of weather;
                                                 i know you feel the same way too,
                                                 and know i'll always be in love with you;
                                                 so, give me your heart, body and mind,
                                                 make passionate love, all the time.