Love Poem: Passages Are Possibilities
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Written by: Jay Del Fierro

Passages Are Possibilities

~~~~~possible reference to , " bird flu " ?~~~~~~~~ 91:3........

    " surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler , 
       and from the noisome pestilence..."

if we translate this into today's language , it would read like this.....
.....from the snare { trap or tempt } of the fowler { any bird used for food }
and from the noisome { injurious to health,harmful,foul smelling }
pestilence { deadly epidemic , disease , plague }...............
if this is a reference to the bird flu , which was written thousand's of years ago , 
what else is there , obviously , which should also lead us to believe that certain 
passages are an early warning of times to come..........
but even more so.....what kind of world do we live in , just to name a few , when 
men as ; Christ....Ghandi....Martin Luther King,Jr.......John Lennon........all men 
who stood up for non-violence , peace , and love .....and yet we stand by and 
watch them become victims of assasins , the very nature to which they voiced out 
against.........our hero's our the infamous , and we're fascinated with serial killers 
more than we're empathetic to their victims..........
those agents of evil darkness , serve their purpose.......instill fear , kill any sense 
of love , destroy all manner of truth , and blockade any pathway to peace...........

maybe as our friend john r. states so well , " IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP .........."