Love Poem: Party Over
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Written by: Peggy Bertrand

Party Over

It's Late and the
music has stopped.
All careless words have
been spoken.
Hearts exchanged and
dreams drawn on
the hearts memo pad.

We both knew it would
be a challenge but it's sad.
Vows are not meant to be
broken but kept.
One should count the
cost before the loss.

Broken commitments and
resentments only leave
parting bitter.
The music has stopped,
the party is over its late.

I hate to say good-bye
like reading an old romantic
hallmark card.
Hard to see you go after
years of holding you.

Hide my sorrow till you
walk through the door
shutting it and I am left here
in the silence.

This poem can be viewed with music and art at lady Peg's Poetry Site.