Love Poem: Parenthood a Gift
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Written by: Eve Roper

Parenthood a Gift

Nine months I carried and waited
for you to come into the world
so I could hold you in my arms.

I knew you were in my womb when
my moods changed and certain smells made
me nauseated sending me
straight to the bathroom vomiting.
Flavor for food had also changed
craving strange foods and lots of ice.

You would stretch, punch, kick, flip, and turn
when you were old enough to move,
even hiccupped once in awhile,
your way of letting me know you
were healthy growing in my womb.

The day arrived; you decided
to make your heartfelt appearance.
The contractions started while I
sat in the bathtub relaxing.
The pain subsided for just a
little while; five minutes later
I knew I was in true labor.

Your dad rushed us into the car
and drove  straight to the hospital.
I was told it wasn't time, but you
decided to proof the nurse wrong.

Those memories long forgotten,
the second I laid eyes on you
at that moment all I desired
was to stare with awe as you slept.

I was intoxicated with
your blissful scent, the feel of your
soft skin, the wrinkled tiny feet
and tiny hands, and charming smile.

Eternal sunshine that was mind
is still my whole joy in my life.
Don't you ever forget you will
always be the love of my heart.
