Love Poem: Paradise On Earth - Update 2023
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Written by: Sangeet Portals

Paradise On Earth - Update 2023

Paradise on Earth

You and I 
Can build a new World together,
Heaven on Earth 
That could last forever,
And we can start 
When we breathe in our hearts
And look, in each other’s eyes,
We find paradise
As we decide,  
To live our lives
In Gratitude and Love

You and I 
Bring change in the World 
When we live as Sisters and Brothers.
Many religions and colours, 
Can we accept, respect 
And learn from each other?
It’s never too late
To apologise
Or to communicate 
And look in someone’s eyes                                                                
And by giving 
And by choosing   
To live each day, 
In Gratitude and Love

You and I 
Begin healing the World
As we take time, to be kind 
To one another.                                           
When we choose joy and peace            
Then wars will decrease 
And when we listen, can understand each other.
So let us now start 
And breathe in our hearts
And dare to meet a stranger’s eyes
And without knowing why
Try trust and decide
To live this day 
In gratitude and Love 

©Sangeet Portals, Update 2023