Love Poem: Paradise Is Not a Benign Place

Paradise Is Not a Benign Place

Killers will not go through the gates of paradise
Hate cannot exist in a perfect Universe of Love
taking anyone’s life is abhorred across the world
and in the Great Hall of the Perfect Ones

To evil doers Love is a word that embraces odium
Kindness and compassion do not exist in their lexicon of hate
The perpetrators of murders and other heinous crimes
are devoid of humanity 
their bodies have no souls and will not repose in heaven

Their evil makes them prisoners in their destructive minds;
their vile acts threaten civilization 
they possess no understanding of human affection
clueless as to what it means to care for another human being 

Not understanding the meaning of Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men
they will not see God’s Angelic Perfection
and be denied even a view of the Sacred Universe of Love
Paradise is not a benign place for evil doers.