Love Poem: Papermache'
April Wilson Avatar
Written by: April Wilson


My armor is diminished, to nothing more than a paned glass, too easily shattered. My will, the only barrier. The kisses closed, I dream open. The delicate flavor of virgin musk, screaming out at me. My heart a puddle. Her every glance, a stone birthing a new score of ringlets of anguish, in my mind. That runs in panic with desire. To hold her tenderly, deeply and passionately. As a woman; to love her fully, The same as I would hold her hand, and she mine. Fingers wholly interlocked. Loving touches that break my soul. And I have to BELIEVE I still have one. Because it soars at night when it sneaks away from me. It lifts her gently in its love; it cradles her in it's infinity. It shares its cell. With those ringlets of anguish she formed in me, she gave them to me. She gave them life, and watched non-sensically as they rippled across my flesh. Leaving it rich in its own signifigance, filling my mind with impossibilities, and gluing to my soul like papermache'