Love Poem: Paper Doll
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Written by: Yasemin Balandi

Paper Doll

Paper Doll

She was two dimensional at first
Laid flat
Then folded, eyes  drawn with black
Lips pale pink 
Fragile legs took shape then speed
She ran out of her mother’s stomach
The mother didn’t feel the pain but just the tickling
So she laughed a bellyaching laugh.
And run down her fingers across her little girl’s paper hair
Honey in hue and texture.
She slipped away from her mother’s fingers
And took a road alone to an unknown future
The paper doll.
“I have not given you carte blanche to act however you want!”
Yelled the mother.  The doll continued on her path.
“My milk will dry up!” The mother was hapless!
Still the paper doll ran in her path. With each step, her legs gathered  pace 
Then flesh
Soon she was all flesh and bones
As paper dissolved into particles of azoth

Then she needed  her mother’s milk to keep her bones, bones and
Her flesh, flesh.  So that she ran back to her mother, pleading 
For  milk and soul!