Love Poem: Pangs of Love Never Dies In Diseased Minds
Barbara Washington Avatar
Written by: Barbara Washington

Pangs of Love Never Dies In Diseased Minds

Nothing In his eyes

i'm nothing in his eyes
how did it get this way?
i gave my all, gave my best
but none the less
he choose to take my child
blindsided by the illusion of love
i though he wanted me

he make excuses about his childhood
so why would you wanna 
do that to your own child
betray me in this way
i'm nothing in your eyes
no matter how hard i may try

you want another
i know you do
i wanted you
but you declare i want another
pushing me in that direction
telling other i disrespect you

its a lie you know it
you want another
but you want me to make it easy
give you a way out
a reason to leave me lonely
on skid row begging

i'm done, you pervert
i no longer seek peace between us
you don't want it anyway,
i know it, you know it
you've made that loud and clear to me
while blinding the minds of everyone else

pretending to love, all the while
showing me your true colors
and your fake light to others
i'm done, I'm nothing in your eyes
and you made sure i'm nothing
in the eyes of all men falling for your lies

Ps. why am I'm such a horrible person
why do some people see me as bad
find fault where there is none
finding error in me when i told the truth
made the effort to be righteous
not the self-centered person
many make me out to be

just mere slander, character assignation
questioning my motives in all things
make judgements based on perceive notions
with no base, without foundation
can i survive this persecution
this all out attack on my rights to exist
i'm nothing in anyones eyes
