Love Poem: Pain
Scunder Dicychael Avatar
Written by: Scunder Dicychael



It was another tormented night
Hurting you was a hobby
The same old lines
The same old reasons
Nothing’s change except
The pain is getting worse

Those words again
Like a double edge sword
Either way of how I say it
It hurts so much the same way
As yesterday

Those ending messages that night
Hanging you to nowhere
The questions that leaves you breathless
Thinking if it’s worth trying
Or simply give up

That pathetic attitude for million times
As you remember
Funny, cause you find it hard
Tracing the reasons behind
As what you always does
Be in silence

Those tiring provocative questions 
Challenging your patience and your feelings
Will you stay or walk away
Just to end this pantomime again?

I’m sorry for that night
I was tired and unreasonable
I say words I didn't mean
But I know that once uttered 
It cannot be erased
That was just my 
Unjustifiable pride by the way

I’m sorry for that phrase-
Again I’m sorry for 1001 times now,
I am giving you all the reasons 
To be mad 
Because I am guilty for being
Mean most of the times
-But I love you still no matter what

I’m sorry for those hanging messages
The truth is-
I was just exhausted & have fallen sleep
I can’t think and I am illogical
But I know it will never be an excuse

I’m sorry for my attitude
For I know it hurts you so much
I’ll be surprise if not
Because I know how much I meant to you

I’m sorry for you have to feel that way
Feelings could turn into a beast
That could crushed your heart and your soul
Leaving you-

I’m sorry for all these things
But I tell you one thing
To know that you are in pain-
Tears my heart away

Each morning as I wake up
I remember that nightmare
And it hurts me when I realized
I wasn't dreaming…#