Love Poem: Ovidius
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Written by: Lyndell Cadasse


Anointed Lord of this desolate tract he
Rules upon a throne painted the golden 
Stench of rotting cacti all my fortune
For a visit from Morpheus his sands 
And visions to write a love Story; this
Queen of March his Goddess from Planet
Pisces akin to nothing but beautiful Jamila
The first coming of Isis and Aphrodite
Mine sketched a shade of perfect rainbows
And clouds only dream in envy as I
Worship you knees rigid in syrupy 
Agony poured from a bloodied rose her
Petals score my flesh five times tomorrow
Whispers through teeth clenched in 
Ecstasy hands lost between pages of her
Body’s Braille to read your every curve he
Drinks from each strand of her hair teases
The way I like it as we tie knots on mountain
Sides this man I’ve carved from breathing
Marble just to hold you with every hew of 
Stone hammered a Goddess about women his
Dreams have chiseled her of Phoenix feathers
Breathtaking in scarlet flames I shall bathe my
Existence in droplets of blood wash my feet in
Tears become hers in all lifetimes my language
To honour your body in every tongue of pleasure
Written maybe vows scribed on rings of finger
Painted seashell blue waves ripple beneath 
The skin crashing retreating to sanctuaries 
Stolen by moments locked within time birthed
Into one innocence lost sacrificed to this virgin
Priestess thrown into my volcano ridden till 
Eruption waxen and pale intensity escapes 
Pain to bleed no longer red but pleasure written 
In Ovidius