Love Poem: OVER and OVER AGAIN


Over and over again
I try to obliterate the stain
But every now and then
She fire me up with pain
Again and again.

Over and over again I tender apologies
Yet without considerations or remedies 
The more I try to unleash my good reasons
The more I got ignored like dry seasons.

Over and over again I got ignored
And my love for you is always questioned.
I give you love but you placed your ego above.
All of my efforts for you, you always remove 
From your ways and turn them into a cabbage in a gabage.

Over and over again you be-little me
Because your love has turned sour
Our relationship has no more power
Or a chance to see good weathers.
But no challenge, even without you I will
Sincerely cope and elongate my hope like a long rope.

Over and over again, I have forgotten 
You even as I am no more of you. 
But it you come back soon, the gate is still open.

                        (Lightning Ink)