Love Poem: Opportunities Serendipity

Opportunities Serendipity

Four things come not back: the spoken word; the sped arrow; time past; the neglected opportunity. Omar Ibn Al-Halif, Aphorism ___________________
On a beautiful Fall day- I went for a café, pushing open the shop door, I bumped into a man, pardon me, I said shyly (for he was quite handsome). On my table I placed my café, my journal and pen, ready to write a poem or two or perhaps an observation. Then the "handsome" man is asking, may I join you? Until that moment, I had not considered him relevant. Inside, I was quivering with possibilities! This turn of events could be a worthwhile opportunity, if I let things progress in a timely manner. Each word he said spoke to my ravished heart- Star bright eyes, rosy cheeks, ruby lips, stepping stone words. Such a smooth talker that I was soon quite smitten. Everything about him was desirable and pleasant to me, so reaching into that adventurous side of my personality, I engaged in this mating dance- Nothing can be thrown away, especially when it comes to love. Do you believe in windows of opportunity? I do. And, in time we were talking head to head quietly, two people like-minded meshing into one entity, touching hands. In life sometimes love can burn for just a moment, and be taken by the wind in the next- You must never, ever neglect a serendipity opportunity. _____________________________ October 22, 2016 Quote with Acrostic For the contest, Opportunities sponsor, Nayda Ivette Negron First Place