Love Poem: Only One

Only One

- Contest Entry -

There can be only one in my mind,
Impressing my every thought into the service of your image,
I experience your beauty a thousand times a day even when you’re absent from me,
I can conjure no other, my bladed mind full with focus, cuts deep into your vision,
Bringing to the surface, you and your eyes, you and your face, you and your body.....
My own dreams are lost to me, for you have them sheathed away securely
like cold, sharp, steel inside wood,
You have taken my mind as my head comes away from its place of rest,
I collapse into my imageries of you, as I succumb to your mental onslaught, I hear

"...There can be only one” my heart,
Only one tenant of my affection, a world of feelings once thrived within its confines,
Some weak, some immensely strong, while others –immortal, so entrenched, now look only to subsist,
You waged war within my heart, fierce engagements, desperate clashes, 
Battling inside to destroy all that exist, vanquishing the old champions who once dominated my center,
Parrying my insecurities, beheading my impurities, you advance my heart’s sincerity, 
alas, you entered as violent force, but you are the prize my heart was promised,
In the fray, I struggle, barely able to retain loving feelings of kinship and close friends,
As you fight, savagely and tirelessly, your battle cry of love echoes throughout the catacombs, as you exclaim mercilessly....

“...There Can Be Only One” my life,
I have only one life, and I want it with you,
You clouded my faculties and robbed my feelings of their existence,
You’ve conquered my state, compelling my capitulation, my sword to you I now offer,
My campaign is finished, I want my life in your hands, as you lead it from low valleys to higher heights, in the lush green solace of the highlands,
The gathering of the once many is no more, you are all I see, I can have no other,
I don’t live in immortality, but I offer love that can endure everything and dwell in nothingness when all else has ended,
I live but once, and for my duration, there can be....
Only one