Love Poem: Oh Luna
Connie Marcum Wong Avatar
Written by: Connie Marcum Wong

Oh Luna

Oh Luna

Oh Luna, I am watching you 
     rise in eastern skies.
Your fullness fills my heart 
     with romantic thoughts
As I serenely bathe in your 
     charming reflective glow,
I know there are lovers every-
     where gazing in awe
Of your exquisite enchanting 
    allure causing hearts
To beat with a thrilling rhythm 
     of inner love songs
That captivate the heart and 
     soul, imbibing imagery
Of silent shadows and distant 
     stars that drape your
Indigo sky in shimmering star-
     light from light years
Passed, and as shooting stars 
     brighten night skies,
They are reflected as you are 
     in lover's longing eyes.
