Love Poem: Ode To Bacon
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Written by: Tom Quigley

Ode To Bacon

O thee I praise, and I sure ain’t fakin’
The fairest ether of carnal substance, our bacon!

That unctuous crunch so satisfying
I can already hear my fat cells sighing

Yea, about you there’s not one thing faulty
You make fried eggs so impeccably salty

A special treat from the Lord, yes I dig
Which is why he hid you inside a pig

Kindly don’t regard me a barbarian,
But you’re proof that God's no vegetarian

There is no shame in how I thee adore
I’d even pick you up after six seconds on the floor

Sweet minutes after, the glorious aftertaste lingers
Extra can be found on my greasy fingers

O dear Lord, may we never run out
Of the sweetest treat behind the muddy snout!

© Thomas W. Quigley