Love Poem: O Shall I Love -My Spokenword

O Shall I Love -My Spokenword

Jehovah Shalom oh shall I love no inhibitions comfortable no matter nothing matters to be like God always forgiving always forgiving oh shall I love judging not not judging love unconditionally just like Christ has done for me having unmeterable mercies love true love heart love do just love as God does like God oh shall I love as the Father so does love is Christ so loves the church give them yourself I shall offer myself oh shall I love even to my last breath through all my trials and all my tests oh shall I love for what is a kiss. Just love embracing of the spirit man take hold of God hand take a stand love true love true selfless Love sent from above look at my heart my heart old shall I love love is patience oh shall I love such and patient patient ever kind not being envy nor boasting never arrogant or rude never insisting yet obey God's truths truth and favor God's forgivingness in Mercy's Grace not being irritated not rejoicing and wrongdoing providing forgiveness and mercy has God has proven to my fellow man this is my stand if God has forgiven me how much forgive also you rejoicing with the truth strength striving always oh shall I love in Jesus name always 6/30/22 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr Sr. 2022©