Love Poem: O, Peri Face

O, Peri Face

(after Rumi)

You are with me, O Moon
Thou peri-face, the gentle One,
Drawing me to you, 
Drawing down to me
To our secret place of ecstasies.

Where you go, I go,
You that are my eyes, my light
Oh find me, drunk as I am;
Embrace me and ease me
Into the blissful realm of annihilation.

     A peri is a female jinn, related to dark powers but generally benevolent to humans. The "Peri face of God" encountered in Sufi poetry represents God as a beautiful young woman, the beloved of mystics, much as in the Jewish ecstatic mysticism of Abulfaraj, the Sabbath Bride (or Divine Shekhinah) comes down from a heavenly realm to become the lover of kabbalists.