Love Poem: Nonetheless


I sigh …
pushing warm, wordless weight
onto the twilight mist,
where its folly hangs like old sackcloth,
the silver-doubloon moon dripping
it’s wan wonder to daub
breath and bones alike with
rusted romance -
a languid lie that loves to tease -
that lives to clutch my
heart in its chill digits and wring
each memory from my gut,
cackling all the while
at the dreamy stain left behind -
the trail of crumbs and lost loves that
fools as I devour in the
ignorance of age …
the barren bones that lesser creatures
pass by in apathy,
and greater creatures choke on.

I am boundless in my longing …
this breeze of brine boils my marrow,
beads of moonlight spatter
wave-tops as if alive -
as if each silver burst was a
note of child laughter,
skipping away to find a tympan, sweet,
or a moony firefly of singular purpose,
now there - now gone …
each, lives the life of an instant,
yet is a glorious bloom
of magic and timeless grace,
that reaches its
tendrils deep into my essence.

That, with this salty air and
cool sand and rhythmic washing of the shore,
speaks to me in a
voice as clear as the gods themselves,
a voice that calls to the
most visceral reaches of my spirit,
a tender voice of hope and life
and dreams and AWE …
a voice of dazzling wonderment
and tragic sorrow,
a voice that trembles my bones,
and stirs my heart with a yearning and
thirst, unquenchable,
a voice … of deceit.

It sings to me yet -
beyond all sense and caring and
prudence and time proven,
that you were the ONE …
it’s a voice that I wish beyond all imaginings 
I would never hear again,
but that nonetheless continues on,
and finds me inexorably bound to this place …
to that devil moon …
to this limitless sea …
and …
to YOU.