Love Poem: Nocturnal Cravings

Nocturnal Cravings

I'll sit on the roof and watch the moon
I'll swallow the pain 
And let my tears flow!

I'll pretend there is a violin with me
I'll pretend that the moon dances
As I play the saddest tunes ever
Merely because the creepers creeping out
Of my heart have become weak,
Ready to wilt and dry up
As lost in love,
I choose to hold on tight to the mysticism
That guides me on my way!

I'll pretend that I am the only one to glow
In Love's warmth,
That like me, the needy tugs tugging at him
Have become urgent
As urgent as a life to be saved 
As urgent as greens which are to blossom
As urgent as is the cause of finding a way
To save the life forms of Earth before doom strikes!

I'll sit on the roof and watch stars
I'll try to tell myself that both Love and I
Will strive hard to make our way back there
To where it all has a meaning!

I'll tell myself that Love is that which is needed
To allow humanity to keep on rolling
I'll pretend that all around me
I see its genuine essence instead of the selfishness
And the sinful hue
That has invaded it!

I'll dream, wide awake of those dreams I've had
Those dreams which had spelled out loud and clear
That my soul belongs to my chosen lover
That together, tangled in a bond, we shall be saved
From the murky swamps in which we are treading
But which we perceive as being solid runways for our planes!

I'll sit, till the cold envelops my senses
Till my nose starts running
Till my voice gets hoarse
Till my eyelids droop, worn and spent
I'll sit and shed off my vanity, my pride, my ideals,
I'll tear them off and burn them
Till shall remain of me, 
A maiden, a lost soul, frail and too weak to even whisper
Needing the strength of that chosen love,
Love which has been thrust upon me
By the Goddess watching over me!
I'll sit and wait for the warm embrace of it
An embrace which shall last as long as Existence would want
And which would allow me
To fill my pen with my tears
And to write
Of it all, 
To be left as a memento of how beautiful Love can be
In a hopeless world!