Love Poem: No Love Lost

No Love Lost

Love sows bitter seeds, in this, 
My infertile heart…
I reap a poor harvest, 
And I starve my longing soul; 
Dining out on coffee grounds – 
On the acrid taste of stale romance 
I am not brave enough for love; 
The courage of a lion does not lie here, 
Not in these sorry veins…
When tender arms surround me, 
And a soft voice murmurs lullabies, 
Then the panic rises – 
Rears its ugly black head, and strikes 
And, coward that I am, I run…
I run far away, into myself, 
Into the black labyrinth of my twisted mind 
Inside those hallowed halls I am safe; 
And you - 
The man with the sapphire eyes – 
You cannot find me here 
In this darkness I cower, 
Sheltered by a cloak of fine-spun 
Self deception 
You may hammer on the doors, 
You may call my name – 
May carve your spells in my rocky eyes…
But I will still be blind; 
And I will still hide 
Until you turn away in despair, 
Admit defeat, and leave no trace behind – 
Nothing but the memory, 
The sweet memory, of those haunting eyes 
Those cerulean diamonds that enchant me so – 
And the echo of your voice in my head will tease, 
Will torment, until I fall to my knees, 
Bang my frail skull against the walls of my tomb, 
And curse myself for a fool 
For condemning myself to this solitary gloom