Love Poem: No Distance
A. Rosario Avatar
Written by: A. Rosario

No Distance

No distance can keep our love 
When I listen closely, I can 
actually hear the beating of 
your heart
A hug brings our souls together 
and almost immediately we 
both feel healed from the time 
spent apart

I've deeply fallen in love with 
you, Me and not the person 
someone wished me to be 
I can say this was written in 
Many have tried, but failed to 
I want this to be simple yet 
I want that forever, you'll stay 
with me.

The tears that shed your eyes
Those are the rain drops which 
fall from my skies 
No matter how shallow it gets 
by the minute
I promise I will swim in your 
love until I drown in it

Everyday I walk through our 
memories but I cannot get 
passed it,
And I'm still living in the 
moments of our last kiss.
It's been eternal since that first 
I can disappear and exist in 
your soul forever.
"Hard as the concrete but soft 
as a whisper"
That's how your love hits me, 
but I cannot blame you,
Because its not everyday we 
get the chance to save an 