Love Poem: New Leaf When Talking Leaves

New Leaf When Talking Leaves

New leafs when talking leaves

She leaves talking her words are full of razor sharp vitriol
                                  just anger and judgement screaming no kindness to console
his bleeding heart corrupted abused for her ignorant shout
                            why is she so hurtful her meaning so mean what is all this about

Ropes and contraptions dangle viscously vicious from the venomous bile
                      he remains shocked into silence wounded scared crashed for a while
At first doomed gloom hangs like a guillotine’s sickle the hang-women’s blade
                          his woods shelter and garden deforested overshadowed by shade

Nature though is kinder than poisonous company’s quarrel toxic accusations 
                                   thus he decides to put his trust into nature and meditations
and once he relishes sounding winds of change and that leaves are talking
                  he listens to them with a spring in his step and he boldly starts walking

A new leaf after leave in his book’s pages turned life into song to different tune
         new leaves communicate with his passion desire with the sun stars and moon
when he walks into motion a whole new world emerges under his stride
            his journey transformed from her talking and leaving to dance with the tide

15th September 2016