Love Poem: Never Find Love

Never Find Love

You’ll never find anyone else like me,
Someone with so much generosity.
You’ll never be free from me.
I’ll be on your mind constantly.
No matter where you are or who you’re with,
Or who you try to get love from.
‘Cuz it’s like that song you’ll never find another
Love as good as this, 
‘Cuz it’s God whom I represent
And His love is the shhh the bomb.

You’ll never be treated like royalty again.
I gave too much for us to be just friends.
None of your fantasies will be fulfilled.
Your destiny won’t be revealed.
You’ll never find love as good as this,
Because the Master’s love flowed through me.
That is the reason for our long attachment,
And the magnetic attraction.

You’ll never be truly happy without me.
So, you can love that other girl.
It’s your loss to not have chosen God over the world.
You’ll never be able to look at anyone else with sincerity.
‘Cuz it’s like that song you’ll never find another
Love as good as this, 
‘Cuz it’s God whom I represent
And His love is the shhh the bomb.

1 John 4:8 
Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

Romans 12:2
Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that Ye 
may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect, will of God." 

Woke up thinking about this song by Something for the People titled My Love is the Shhh a 
song I used to listen to  before and after 
church choir rehearsal was released in  Fall 1997 I believe.