Love Poem: Never Ending Love
Lee Ramage Avatar
Written by: Lee Ramage

Never Ending Love

Never Ending Love

Born in a cold basement on Valentine’s Day,
She grew up on newspaper and constant radio play.
She was the runt of the litter and very poorly fed,
When I first laid eyes on her, she looked to be half dead.

But I saw a bright spark, a twinkle in her eye,
She was perfectly imperfect, I could not deny.
Her pure white face with the odd brown polka dot,
Her overbite and broad chest, I loved her on the spot.

At first I felt I had to save this precious little thing, 
Later I would realize, it was her who made my heart sing.
She greets every visitor with enthusiasm and glee,
Her kind and gentle nature is so evident to see.

I had planned to get a dog to take on a daily walk,
But exercise is something she has a tendency to balk.
She will play real hard pulling a rope for a minute or two,
Then flop down on the floor to sleep, as if right on cue.

She walks rather slow so I have nick-named her Doodle,
But she outshines any dog from a Great dane to a poodle,
Her innocence is reflected in her stoic face so sad,
She never changes her look, even when she has been bad.

Frankie my English bulldog has been my constant friend,
She supported me unconditionally when my job was at its end,
Then I lost my Mom and my daughter moved away,
Frankie gave me love and at my side she would stay.

I am so grateful that I found this most precious gift,
For that little twinkle in her eye has given me a true lift
Oh I love Frankie my English Bulldog she is the greatest pet,
Her never ending love is the most that one could ever get.     

Contest: Pick A Pet Contest
Date: July 3, 2011
Won Honourable Mention